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How To Be More Organized

Contacts+ Team | August 14, 2024

Don’t we all wish that we could be more organized?

Organization is a skill that does not come naturally to everyone. Lots of people struggle to keep track of their workload, their workflow, and their workspace, with very real consequences for their productivity throughout the day. Especially if you work for yourself or have a small team on your side. But with a little bit more organization it’s possible to get a lot more done — and avoid a lot of the mistakes that are directly rooted in a lack of it.

Large or small, any disorganization within your business is inherently going to lead to lost time and, as a result, lost profit. And while we might not all be naturals at keeping it together, there are always easy habits you can pick up to be more organized. Here are some to start with.

1. Divide and Conquer Your To-Do List

Looking at a mile long to-do list is overwhelming, and it can be difficult to know where to start. And while you can’t make tasks disappear from the list, you can prioritize them to get a better handle on your day.

Tackle your to-do list in a more organized fashion by classifying each item based on what needs to get done today, what needs to get done this week, and what needs to get done next week. This way, instead of scrambling to get everything done you’ll have a clear order to follow. No more worrying that you’re forgetting something important, and no more harried list without a clear start and end point.

2. Block Off Time For Emails

Time management is tantamount to effective organization, so don’t let things like emails totally derail your day.

There’s a time for everything — including your email marketing. If you’ve ever been taken off course by an email notification or a not-so-pressing message (and who hasn’t?), you know that not only does it distract you in a moment of focus, but it also makes it difficult to get back on track. But there’s a better way!

Remove your email application from your desktop and turn off email notifications on your phone. In fact, don’t even give yourself access to your inbox except for a designated block of time in the morning and the afternoon. The sweet silence that ensues is perfect for focusing on your tasks at hand, and if someone really needs to get in touch with you, they can just call.

3. Take Breaks

Organization is all about approaching your day in a way that makes sense. And a constant go-go-go attitude just ain’t it. 

We’re huge fans of breaks, so long as they’re scheduled in at appropriate times. Give yourself the gift of 20 to 30 minutes during your workday to take a walk or do something else that helps clear your mind. When you return to your desk you’ll be refreshed and ready to get to work, with a lot more energy to devote to whatever it is you need to do.

4. Make Meetings More Productive

Meetings have to happen. What they don’t have to do, however, is put a stop to the flow of your day. The secret? Make your meetings more productive so that you can streamline the time you set aside for them and then get back to everything else once they’re done.

Just as you block off specific time for emails and breaks, block off time to prep for your meetings and address next steps once they’re done. It’s a much more productive approach than going in cold, and also ensures that your time was worth it, since you’re more likely to follow through on next steps if you address them right away.

Also important: don’t push any necessary meetings off. While you don’t have to agree to a meeting on the fly, you should prioritize an essential meeting just like you would prioritize any other to-do. Get it on the calendar instead of stressing about it, and you’ll free up more mental energy for everything else.

5. Let Go Of Perfectionism

Whether it’s with organization or with any other part of your job, there’s no use in striving for the unattainable.

Perfection isn’t a thing in work or in life, and trying to achieve it will just distract you from the things that you can do. Adopt the organizational tricks that make the most sense for you, and don’t try to do everything at once. While it might seem counterintuitive to give yourself leeway in your organizational efforts, it actually just makes it more likely that you’ll stay motivated and on course.

Any step that you take toward better organization is going to have a direct benefit on your day. Take what works for you, ignore what doesn’t, and try to develop your own best practices for being your most organized self.