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FullContact Card Reader 3.0 Adds Tags, Boosts Performance and Much More

travistodd | April 28, 2014

We’re always looking for ways to improve the experience that our users have with our apps. FullContact Card Reader users who were scanning business cards into Salesforce have had the ability to classify their contacts, and we wanted to extend that function to other users as well. So with the version 3.0 release of FullContact Card Reader for iOS, we’ve added a Tag functionality that integrates directly with your FullContact Address Book.

FullContact Card Reader for iOS Tags

With this functionality, you can now sort your business card contacts in FullContact by Tag. Additionally, you can export from FullContact by Tag. For instance, if you’re headed to a conference or trade show, you can Tag all of those business cards and then easily see those people segmented inside of the FullContact Address Book.

[getImage id=”” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-8914″ src=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/FullContact-Tags.jpg” width=”600″]

Other Improvements

Tags aren’t the only thing that we’ve added or improved in this version.


The home page has been removed and replaced with the Card List screen. This feels like the most useful place in the app to initiate a new scan or find a scanned card. With this change we’ve also introduced a new settings screen that slides over the Card List screen.

We’ve broken integrations out as a featured item in the app. From settings you can see the available integrations and see which are enabled. Selecting an integration allows you to set up or customize the settings for it.


Heavy users of the app were seeing memory and usability issues when they had uploaded a very large numbers of cards. Scrolling through the card list and searching had performance issues at high volumes of cards as well. We have retooled the back end database so that this should no longer be an issue.

Bug Fixes

We exterminated a swarm of bugs while we were at it:

  • Resolved a push notification issue where the message was not always being sent.
  • Resolved an issue where the country wasn’t always present in the app despite being part of the transcription.
  • Added handling of camera permissions for countries that require permission to access the camera.
  • Improved handling of prepositions in our title casing of the transcription.

There were many, many other small bugs addressed as well.

And Much More

We won’t bore you with the details, but we’ve made a lot of other changes (in addition to the ones we listed here) to improve the usability and performance of the app. If you have feedback for us, we’re always listening. Just drop us an email to and we’ll be in touch.